Poor old batman..
Sniff murderer! the animation needs to be worked on, and personaly robin could never become batman hes just too.... robinish...
Poor old batman..
Sniff murderer! the animation needs to be worked on, and personaly robin could never become batman hes just too.... robinish...
My head hurts it has goods and bads (good being graphics and bad been the abortion from hell) for your next one dont turn the gore down too much just a little but keep your animation the same as it was awsome.
hidden message
very good flash... and after watching the extra 'pube frog in jail' i sort of got the feeling he was gay but it was very subtlely done... hand hard to spot
do i need to say anything? it was sooo funny
Wow ninjas are everywhere
i liked the way you used pictures as animated ninjas have been done to death.
very very funny MAKE MORE NOW!!!!
I liked the sprites
I liked the sprites they were cool ut everything else... needs work...
I quite liked it
I grew up with transformers and this dose it justice not bad but a bit short..
Loved it
I really like your way of stick animation very very smooth (i would neaver have the patience) liked the music and the way he snapply pulled off tricks! very good hope there is more!
Oh, dont worry. There will be more. And more for you to love. <3
I dont like been skank
the guards DID feature in a vg cats comic (number 53) anyhow keep trying and its better if you dont choose a very well knowen style such as scott's off vg cats
-Troll and Toast Industries- Dark_Toaster
Age 35, Male
Flash Animator
Nottingham, UK
Joined on 6/11/05